“ePortfolios are a space for creating an identity (as a student and as an emerging professional) that links the experiences of the traditional or formal curriculum with the pedagogical and co-curricular experiences that engage and transform learners.”
–Randy Bass, Presentation to AAEEBL Annual World Conference, July 2010
ePortfolios are an especially helpful tool for gathering evidence of students’ achievement of department/program goals, for they can make visible the connections that students form between various courses and extracurricular activities related to their department/program.
For students, the ePortfolio serves as a space for:
- Collecting work (by students, at designated times in courses, the major, or other co-curricular experiences)
- Selecting work (by students, at designated times, in order to highlight an aspect of integration or synthesis among experiences or courses)
- Reflecting on the meaning of learning and connections (by students, at designated times, in order to highlight an aspect of integration or synthesis between experiences or courses)
For faculty, the ePortfolio serves as a space for:
- Examining select student work with respect to learning goals (for the major, for a course, for the Georgetown Gen Ed experience)
- Reading and interpreting student reflections in order to learn about students’ processing and growth as they encounter curricular and co-curricular experiences Georgetown offer them
- Offering feedback to students about their attempts to integrate and synthesize their learning experiences
For more information on Georgetown’s use of ePortfolios, please see CNDLS’ ePortfolio Initiative.